

Currentive is an online publishing platform for young professionals and university students. From human rights to neuroscience, our articles aim to provide readers with high quality insights into today’s most important developments.

Meaningful expression beyond student journalism

Young people cast fresh and diverse perspectives on society’s most challenging issues. However, they lack a platform which enables them to meaningfully express themselves to a wide audience. Currentive provides this, representing a step up from university publications and independent blogs.

Combating the myth of youth apathy

Instances of low electoral turnout have led young people to be incorrectly branded as disinterested in societal issues. The reality, however, is existing institutions do not meet their desire to participate. Currentive provides a professional environment in which young people can write about what matters to them. Voices are not simply heard – they are actively listened to.

Writing for Currentive

If you are interested in writing an article for Currentive, send us a pitch to kick-start the publication process. Getting published provides three main benefits to young professionals: